Test date and time
- The test is on Friday, March 2 during your usual tutorial time (but in a different room).
- You will have 90 minutes to write the test.
Test location
NOTE: test room has changed for students in TUT0101I and TUT0101L.
Note that the test will be written in a different room than usual. The room you will write in depends on your tutorial. See this link for the list of rooms.
What material is covered?
- The term test covers all material up to the end of tutorial on Friday, February 16 (week 6). This includes material covered in lectures, the weekly practice problems, and work done in your tutorials.
- A few clarifications on content on the test:
- You are responsible for knowing the material about histograms and densities that was covered in Week 2 (which was a subset of the Week 1 material on this topic). You are not responsible for knowing the material in the Week 1 slides on this topic that was not covered in Week 2 and not covered in lecture (for example, kernel estimator).
- You are not responsible for knowing the mathematical note at the end of the Week 4 slides and you are not responsible for knowing the material on counting principles at the end of the Week 5 slides.
- You will not be required to write
code. However you may be required to read and interpret R
code, make small modifications to code, and know the purpose of functions that we’ve used.
- The content of the course has changed significantly from last year (and the year before), so past tests are unlikely to be of value to you.
Additional practice problems
- Test your knowledge using the online midterm review quiz. Note that the quiz doesn’t cover all of the content that you are responsible for and mostly tests your knowledge, and not your ability to apply or explain your knowledge, which you will also be required to do on the test.
- The lecture time on Monday February 26 will be a review session.
What to bring
- Your student card
- Writing implements
- An aid sheet that you prepare yourself. Your aid sheet must be one 8 1/2 by 11 inch piece of paper, one-sided, and handwritten. You will be required to hand in your aid sheet with your test, so if you want to keep it, make a copy in advance.
- Don’t bring a calculator
In the test room
- Put your student card on your desk.
- All coats and jackets should be placed on the back of your chair. All notes and books, pencil cases, turned off cell phones, laptops and other unauthorized aids as well as purses should be stored inside your knapsack or large bag, which should then be closed securely and placed under your chair. You are not allowed to have a pencil case on your desk. All watches and timepieces on desks will be checked. You are not allowed to touch your coat or knapsack or bag or their contents until the end of the exam, when instructed by the invigilators.
- Please note that it is an academic offense to have a cell phone on your person (for example, in your pocket) during an exam, even if it is turned off.